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Friday, November 18, 2016

New in Sapphire Tips and Tricks...

Information has been added regarding how to Set Gradebook to Show Community Portal Grades and Viewing Sapphire Portal Information and Logins. This information was provided by Kelly Yohe and Steve Vogelsong, respectively. Check it out!

Edit Calendar Notifications

Manage Your Calendars and Notifications

You can set notifications for all of your Google Calendars. You can receive notifications via email or SMS, depending on which you select. Check out the basic steps for changing your notifications below as well as quick screencast.

1. Open your Google Calendar through the app or calendar.
2. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the specific calendar for which you wish to set/change notifications.
3. Click Edit Notifications from the pop-up menu.
4. If you wish to create your own notification for each event, click Add Notification in this section. It will basically set a reminder however many minutes you choose before the event begins.
5. If you wish to create all day event notifications, click Add Notification in this section. It will basically set a reminder the day(s) prior to the event based on your specified information. You can also select the time of the notification in this section.
6. Select how you would like to be Kept Up To Date. This section allows you to choose notification via email, SMS, or both for each type of update--new events, changed events, cancelled events, event responses, and daily agenda. Be aware, if you select notifications for the daily agenda, you will receive an email, text, or both each day at 5am!
7. When you have made your selections, click SAVE at the top or bottom of the page. This is one of the few places in the Google Suite where you must click SAVE to keep your changes.

Adding a Google Calendar with Email

Adding Someone's Google Calendar to Your Google Calendars

If you have a friend, coworker, family member, etc. who has a Google calendar, it is quite easy to add that calendar to yours (provided you have access to see the calendar items). Follow these easy steps and check out the screencast below!

1. Open Google Calendar, either from the app or
2. On the left-hand side, look for Other Calendars.
3. Click on the dropdown arrow, selecting Add a Coworker's Calendar.
4. Type in the person's email address, and click Add.
5. Events in that person's calendar should now show up on your calendar.
***Remember, you can choose which calendars you want to see events for at any given time. You can also add or edit notifications for the calendar. ***